Friday, September 14, 2012

Facebook and Twitter

We are now tweeting and Facebooking. As we get great new inventories we will post them immediately on those two outlets. Follow us on Facebook.  Or on Twitter @abettersource.

These 120 degree HPL stations are great for a startup wanting collaboration. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Selection of Seats Saturates the Senses

Just a few of the chairs to choose from. 
At our warehouse, we are loaded up with chairs right now. If you need chairs, you have quite a choice.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Buying The Cheap Chair

My friend Cole Erickson did a great video about the pitfalls (and pratfalls) involved with buying a cheap chair. It was done for Interior Motions, a great Herman Miller dealer in the east bay. His point is also apt when buying a high quality used chair from us at BetterSource. Watch the video and you get the point.


Do the math. If you buy an $89 chair from Office Club Warehouse Depot, it will most likely be replaced in a year or two, but for this example let's say it lasts five years. You will sit uncomfortably working for 40 hours per week, to save the $500 net you would have spent buying a great used Aeron or other chair. If the Aeron lasts five years that works out to about 5 cents per hour more for the used Aeron. If you aren't worth a nickel per hour to work more productively and comfortably in a stylish and ergonomically superior chair, then go get the junk chair and enjoy spending 2 hours putting it together.

Check out the used seating from BetterSource on out website at  Or email me to set up a time to sample some great chairs at our showroom. As you can see below, we are well stocked.

BetterSource Warehouse, Newark, CA